Late way back

I am sitting on a bus after 14 hours direct flight from San Francisco, is not a normal bus, there’s only 8 people there, and there’s 2 police cars following us to assure we will be immediately delivered to stay under quarantine for the next 2 weeks. It’s being almost 11 months, and there IContinue reading “Late way back”


It is inevitable to say that life changes once you get on a plane and don’t come back for years. It is inevitable to pretend that everything remains the same when you return. That you will continue to see things as you saw them when you did not know that there was so much happeningContinue reading “inevitable”

Dejarse ir

Son las 4:30 pm, acabo de salir de retirar del studio fotográfico las últimas fotos tamaño pasaporte que necesito para registrarme en la maestría. Veo el celular cada 10 minutos para revisar la hora.  A las 9:00 pm tengo que estar en el aeropuerto. Paso por el estadio, bajo la cuesta de los bomberos; esContinue reading “Dejarse ir”